Wednesday, January 02, 2008

John McCain Mitt Romney" Attack Ad" Experience VIDEO

From John McCain 2008 - For Immediate Release. January 1, 2008 Contact: Press Office

New Web Ad, "Experience"

Transcript for "Experience" (:30-Web)

ANNCR: "Mitt Romney says the next president doesn't need foreign policy experience.

"John McCain for president."

JOHN MCCAIN: "I'm John McCain and I approve this message."

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today launched a new web video, entitled "Experience," contrasting Governor Mitt Romney and John McCain's experience on the issues of foreign policy and national security. The web ad will appear on targeted news and information websites in key states.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger and former CIA Director R. James Woolsey issued the following statement:

"We couldn't disagree more with Governor Romney's recent suggestion that foreign policy experience really doesn't matter when it comes to evaluating who should be our next president and commander in chief. America is at war. Our military forces are engaged in Iraq, in Afghanistan and elsewhere against a determined, vicious enemy. We are facing serious challenges, in a nuclear-armed Pakistan, in Latin America with the rise of Hugo Chavez, and in other corners of the globe.

In such dangerous times, John McCain has the necessary experience and judgment to strengthen our national security and lead our nation and allies. He has had extensive contact with foreign leaders and military officials. John McCain has been on the ground in many of the world's hot spots, including several trips to Iraq and Afghanistan, and also the tribal areas of Waziristan. As an ex-Navy pilot and POW, he understands first-hand how political decisions in Washington impact those serving in our Armed Forces.

On Iraq, John McCain's experience and judgment served him well. For years, despite public opinion, he called for a surge of forces and a new strategy in Iraq to prevail against our enemies -- a strategy that is now succeeding. In contrast, Governor Romney, with no national security experience, was a follower on Iraq, while John McCain showed strong leadership and vision."

Technorati Tags: or President and Mrs. Bush Wish Americans, Troops Happy New Year and Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii) and 'the right glasses' for observing mystery behavior in electrons

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

President and Mrs. Bush Wish Americans, Troops Happy New Year

Barney Bush accompanies President George W. Bush and Laura Bush upon their arrival to the White House from Crawford, Texas. White House photo by Joyce Naltchayan

Barney Bush accompanies President George W. Bush and Laura Bush upon their arrival to the White House from Crawford, Texas. White House photo by Joyce Naltchayan
Texas State Technical College Waco, Texas. RSS Feed White House News. 10:35 A.M. CST

THE PRESIDENT: Laura and I wish our fellow Americans a happy and healthy 2008. I particularly want to say something to our troops and their families: This country respects you, we admire you and we wish you a great 2008, as well.

We've just come off the ranch; had a good rest and good New Year's with some friends. And I'm looking forward to getting back to Washington to work on policies to keep this country safe and to keep this country prosperous.
I just wanted to stop by and wish everybody a happy 2008. Thank you.

MRS. BUSH: Happy New Year, everybody.

END 10:36 A.M. CST For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary January 1, 2008

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