Saturday, October 23, 2004

kerry Kwasniewski Putin Berlusconi Koizumi Howard

american senator john kerry

"I've met foreign leaders who can't go out and say this publicly but, boy, they look at you and say, 'You've got to win this, you've got to beat this guy, we need a new policy' -- things like that"

Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski

"To, że senator z 20-letnim stażem nie docenia polskiego poświęcenia, to jest przykre"

"That a senator with twenty years of experience does not appreciate the Polish sacrifice is unfortunate" (przykre - stronger than unfortunate)

"I do not believe that this is the result of ignorance. There is one thing which should be stated clearly: this coalition is not just the United States, Great Britain, Australia alone; it also involves participation of Polish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Spanish soldiers who have died. It is immoral not to recognize the involvement we contributed based on our conviction that there should be unity in fighting terrorism, that there was a need to display international solidarity and that Saddam Hussein was a dangerous individual of this world."

"In this sense it is possible to speak of our disappointment; that this stance and the sacrifice of these soldiers is so marginalized. But I blame all of this on the election campaign and the message/theme [przeslanie] which was perhaps not clearly expressed by Senator Kerry, that he is thinking more of a colaition that would bring the US together with France and Germany. That is with those who in the Iraqi question said 'no'. President Bush behaved like a true Texas gentleman, he fought for the recognition of the participation of the other nations of this coalition."
Prezydent: Przykre, że Kerry nie docenia polskiego poświęcenia
Full Kwasniewski quote - right wing accurate here

Russian President Vladimir Putin

"Any unbiased observer understands that attacks of international terrorist organizations in Iraq, especially nowadays, are targeted not only and not so much against the international coalition as against President Bush,"

"International terrorists have set as their goal inflicting the maximum damage to Bush, to prevent his election to a second term."

"If they succeed in doing that, they will celebrate a victory over America and over the entire anti-terror coalition,"

"In that case, this would give an additional impulse to international terrorists and to their activities, and could lead to the spread of terrorism to other parts of the world."
Putin urges voters to back Bush

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi

"We hope and believe that the next president will again be Bush,"
Italy's Berlusconi Says Hopes Bush Wins U.S. Election

Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi

"I don't want to interfere in an election in a foreign country, but I'd like President Bush to hang in there because he's a close friend,"
Eyebrows, hackles raised as Koizumi backs Bush

Australian Prime Minister John Howard

"I wish him (Bush) well and I hope he gets re-elected. I don't say that disrespectfully of his opponent. I certainly think that George Bush has given great leadership to the world in the fight against terrorism."
Australia's Howard says he wants to see Bush win

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