Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shelley Moore Capito Statement on President Obama's Address to Congress VIDEO

Congresswoman Says Challenges of Day Demand Cooperation and Truly Joint Effort
February 24, 2009

WASHINGTON - Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., released the following statement in response to President Obama's address to Congress:

"Tonight's address from President Obama couldn't have come at a more significant time for our nation and I applaud him for laying out a bold agenda. West Virginia families are tightening their belts and meeting their obligations in the face of a stalled economy and they're looking to their government to rise to the occasion as well.

"The President has been sincere in his outreach to Republicans and I stand ready to seek common ground with him as we move forward to address the issues of the day. Unfortunately the President's extended hand has not necessarily been echoed by his party's leadership in the House and Senate. As we move forward to address the President's agenda I hope to see that change. Getting our economy back on track, reforming our healthcare system and meeting our energy challenges cannot be accomplished by one party alone.

"It's no secret that we will have our policy disagreements, but with open debate and a commitment to inclusive policy-making I believe we can join together to get West Virginia and our nation back on track."

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