WASHINGTON - With Halloween fast approaching this weekend, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released a scarier-than-fiction new Web ad video today entitled "Paranormal Taxivity."
The video highlights the terrifying reality that Americans face as they find themselves trapped in a real life horror film, falling victim to President Obama and Senate Democrats’ uncontrollable spending, higher taxes, and government-run health care proposals.
FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT: Title: "Paranormal Taxivity" WEB (1:10)
TEXT: the following preview has been approved for All americans By the national republican senatorial committee If this were a real film, it would be rated
BG: big government. some scenes may be too scary for taxpayers taxes, spending, czars
(Relax it’s just a parody)
TEXT: Obama Reid Pelosi TAX SPEND
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer universal health care plan. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately." (President Obama, Remarks At AFL-CIO, Civil, Human, and Women’s Rights Conference, Illinois, 6/30/2003)
TEXT: The scariest movie of all time
SEN. HARRY REID: "We’re talking about two trillion dollars." (Sen. Harry Reid, Congressional Record, 10/15/09)
TEXT: We have to make judgments very fast
SEN. ARLEN SPECTER: "We have to make judgments very fast." (Sen. Arlen Specter, Remarks At Town Hall, Lebanon, PA, 8/3/09)
TEXT: A movie that cost $3.5 trillion to make...so far (Carl Hulse, "Budget Passes but Critics Say the Deficit Is in the Details" New York Times, 4/30/09)
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "I've proposed an American recovery and reinvestment plan." (President Obama, Weekly YouTube Address, 1/24/09)
JOHN ROBERTS: "AIG bonuses" (CNN's "American Morning," 10/14/09)
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "cap-and-trade system" (President Obama, Remarks At Interview With The San Francisco Chronicle, 1/17/09)
SEN. HARRY REID: "and get card check passed" (Union Rally, Washington, DC, 6/19/07)
TEXT: a movie so "powerful" ... (Politico, 9/4/09)
LOU DOBBS: "More than 30 czars already appointed in the Obama Administration." (CNN’s "Lou Dobbs Tonight," 10/8/09)
TEXT: so "expensive"... (CNNMoney.com, Bailout Tracker, Accessed 10/22/09)
KEN STRICKLAND: "higher premiums, higher taxes." (MSNBC, 10/8/09)
SUSAN LISOVICZ: "higher taxes." (CNN, 10/22/09)
MARIA BARTIROMO: "higher taxes." (CNBC Interview with Nancy Pelosi, 10/21/09)
TEXT: and so "arrogant"... (Denver Post, 8/13/09)
SEN. BARBARA BOXER: "Could you say Senator instead of ma’am? It’s just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title." (Sen. Barbara Boxer, Senate Environment And Public Works Committee, Interview With Brigadier General Michael Walsh, 6/16/09)
TEXT: it will "vaporize" you (Manu Raju and John Bresnahan, "Reid plan: ‘Vaporize’ GOP Opponent," Politico, 10/20/09)
DYLAN RATIGAN: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants to vaporize his opponents." (MSNBC's "Morning Meeting with Dylan Ratigan," 10/21/09)
THEN-SENATOR JOE BIDEN: "Time to be patriotic. Time to be part of a deal." (Senator Joe Biden, ABC’s "Good Morning America", 9/18/09)
THEN-SENATOR OBAMA: "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." (Senator Obama to Joe Wurzelbacher, ABC News, 10/12/08)
TEXT: this Halloween...
TEXT: you’d call it paranormal...
TEXT: ...if it wasn’t so REAL
TEXT: Paranormal Taxivity
SINGING CHILD: "We’re gonna spread happiness.... Obama’s gonna change it. Obama’s gonna lead 'em."
TEXT: Paranormal Taxivity plaguing your area? Donate now! Stop this nightmare by visiting nrsc.org
The National Republican Senatorial Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. Paid for by the National Republican Senatorial Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. www.nrsc.org
Paid for by the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. www.NRSC.org
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