Wednesday, January 27, 2010

President Obama State of the Union address to Congress LIVE VIDEO

UPDATE: The State of the Union Address 01/25/11 VIDEO PODCAST MP3 FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT this post is from 2010.

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FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT President Obama’s State of the Union Address, DOWNLOAD the mp3 for PODCAST (64MB) President Obama’s State of the Union Address MP3, Download Video: mp4 (865MB) President Obama’s State of the Union Address

In this speech to the nation, President Obama will deliver his State of the Union address to Congress 01/27/10. He is expected to give his plan to deal with unemployment, health care, and the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. C‑SPAN’s LIVE coverage starts with a look back at Presidents in their first year in office (8pm),
followed by the President’s address (9pm). Then, the Republican response by Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia. and viewer reaction.

FROM: The White House Blog State of the Union 2.0 Posted by Macon Phillips on January 26, 2010 at 06:30 AM EST.

When President Obama walks into the Capitol on Wednesday to deliver his State of the Union speech, millions of American viewers will tune in. It is a unique moment for the President to address the public on a broad spectrum of issues, including economic recovery and job creation. Of course, many Americans will react to the speech with questions, comments, and concerns.

From our live webstream to a free iPhone app, the White House is using technology to make sure the President's State of the Union Address reaches as many people as possible. Now we are excited to announce how President Obama will also be using the web to offer the public a direct and participatory way to communicate back to him.

After the President's speech begins this Wednesday (1/27) at 9pm EST, anyone will be able to submit a follow-up question and vote on others at Then next week, the President will answer questions in a special online event, live from the White House.

Don't miss the speech at 9pm EST on Wednesday night and the chance to follow-up with your questions. We look forward to hearing what you have to say.


Anonymous said...

Will Obama pursue Hate Speech crimes with Congress?


Rob Paris said...

Here’s a tag cloud of Obama’s 2010 State of the Union Address:

Anonymous said... just conducted a study with 1050 viewers of President Obama’s State of the Union address. Results found that favorability for the President’s plans for health care, the economy, and foreign policy increased among all political parties after viewing President Obama’s State of the Union Address. In addition, the percentage of respondents who indicated that they would vote for Barack Obama if he ran for a second term increased among all parties. More in-depth results can be seen at:
Ben said...

I just hope Obama’s economic proposals and plans actually become reality in the near future.

sookietex said...

ben, if can convince the masses that those stats are accurate, more power to them...our editors here ain't drinking that Kool-Aid :D

Dana Veld said...

When we agree with polls and stats, they're science. When we disagree with them, they're Kool-Aid :-). Whatever you think of the man's politics (and plenty on both sides of the spectrum find plenty to admire and decry), he is an inspiring speaker.

sookietex said...

Hi Dave, thanks for weighing in. our editors stand by the previous statement :D, but that's the great thing about living in this country we can debate and respectfully agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

Sookietex, Which statistics did you find inaccurate? What was your concern with them? I would be happy to clarify any questions on our methodology and the accuracy of results.

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