Thursday, September 02, 2010

Eric Wargotz Make Political Insidersauruses Extinct VIDEO

Wargotz Releases First TV AD: Wargotz on Mission to Make Political Insidersauruses Extinct.

Annapolis - The Eric Wargotz Campaign for United States Senate released its first television advertisement. The advertisement will run statewide on broadcast and cable.

The ad targets Senator Mikulski as a "political insidersaurus" who has inhabited Washington for 34 years. Mikulski is famous for spending, raising taxes, and inhabiting Washington with other political insidersauruses like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Marylanders are tired of the status quo and are looking for new leadership in the United States Senate.

Wargotz released the following statement on the release of his new ad:
"Barbara Mikulski is the ultimate political insidersaurus. She has been in office 34 years. During that time, she has increased spending, raised taxes, and destroyed our economy. We need new leadership in Washington.

Ad Text Transcript:
"This is a brontosaurus.

"This is a political insidersaurus. Barbara Mikulski. Inhabiting Washington for many years. Famous for spending, raising taxes, and roaming Washington with other political insidersauruses like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

This is Eric Wargotz - physician, family man, citizen just like you.

"Eric Wargotz is taking on political insidersauruses who have inhabited DC for to long. His mission - to make political insidersauruses extinct. I'm Eric Wargotz and I approved this message."

Recent polling by Rasmussen Reports showed Wargotz trailing Mikulski 55%-39%. In December of 2009, Republican Scott Brown trailed Democrat Martha Coakley by 19% and he went on to win.

Eric Wargotz M.D. is a Queen Anne's County Commissioner and a Republican running for the United States Senate against 34-year incumbent Senator Barbara Mikulski.


TEXT CREDIT: Wargotz for U.S. Senate

VIDEO CREDIT: WargotzforSenate

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