Friday, October 15, 2010

Dino Rossi Patty Murray Washington Senate Debate VIDEO

Dino RossiDino Rossi Patty Murray Washington Senate Debate VIDEO FULL STREAMING VIDEO.

Rossi for Senate Campaign Statement on Spokane Debate.

Spokane, WA— Rossi for Senate campaign manager Pat Shortridge made the following statement after the debate between Sen. Patty Murray and U.S. Senate candidate Dino Rossi
“Tonight, Washington voters were presented with a clear choice between continuing with Sen. Murray’s failed policies which have driven up the debt, expanded government, and put our economy in jeopardy, and Dino Rossi’s commonsense policies which will restore fiscal discipline in Washington, D.C. and economic growth in Washington State.

“Dino will go to the U.S. Senate and represent the interests of Washington State, while Sen. Murray leaves Washingtonians wondering whether she represents them or her fellow insiders in Washington, D.C.

“Washington voters are looking for a leader who will work for pro-growth policies to get our economy back on track and put people back to work, and they were reminded tonight that Dino Rossi is that leader. They know he will end the corporate bailouts, special interest earmarks, and insider deal-making that produces fiascos like the health care bill. The debate offered no doubt that Dino is the only choice to bring about the course correction so badly needed in D.C.”


TEXT CREDIT: Rossi for Senate PO Box 50713 Bellevue, WA 98015 Phone: (425) 451-2010 Fax: (425) 451-8160 Contact us by email:


Anonymous said...

Actually, as a Washingtonian, I feel pretty confident that Patty's doing a great job representing my interests in DC.

It's good to have someone on the inside!

Anonymous said...

I just do not understand why Patti Murray seems to think that being in favor of Wall Street doing well is a negative. Are not our retirements and pensions invested in Wall Street? Does the rest of the world not watch how Wall Street does and do the ups downs not affect the world economy? When businesses do well, are they not able to hire and expand? It means jobs, people. Come on Democrats, Wall Street is not a diry word. Oh, I know....we bailed out Wall Street... did we not also bail out the auto industry? Did we not pour billions into so called infrastructure improvements to make more government supported jobs? Let's get real, we need Wall Street.

sookietex said...

Anonymous, regarding Wall Street, you've read the minds and expressed the sentiments of the editors of this site to a "T". Thank you for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Independent voter here. I don't like the negative canpains from both sides but I do like Patty Murrays impressive web site with her accomplishments and direction she wishes to take us, Just google it like "Patty Murray email" or something like that. All I know for sure about Dino is that he wants to be Senator at any cost, even lie, cheat and steal as the song goes. Tell us what you're going to do and for heavens sakes answer the questions that Patty asks you on the debates. You Eluded it like a true crooked politician.

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