Monday, January 16, 2012

Tim Scott on MEET THE PRESS 01/15/12 VIDEO TEXT

MR. GREGORY: Well, and you talk about whether it helps the other side. Tim Scott, you were on Fox News this week, and this is what you said about the attacks on Romney and Bain. I'll play it for you.

(Videotape, Wednesday)

REP. SCOTT: One thing without any question that is true today and that is that the winner of the 28-minute commercial is President Barack Obama. Starting and feeding into the cultural war is absolutely unequivocally wrong for us as a nation and bad for the conservative movement.

(End videotape)

MR. GREGORY: And yet that film that you heard Speaker Gingrich say had errors in it but should not be taken down, says that the record at Bain was as ruthless as Wall Street. Do you think that's fair?

REP. SCOTT: Well, look, I think that's probably inconsistent with reality. But there's no question that the story line that will play out in the fall, if Romney is our nominee, there will be numbers of ads, many ads run by the president talking about what Republicans said about our own nominee. I think that's just bad for the country because I think the country absolutely needs a new president.

Tim Scott on MEET THE PRESS 01/15/12 VIDEO TEXT

MR. GREGORY: Do you think that Romney, if he's the nominee, has been hurt by this sufficiently that they are giving the president a very potent issue to use against him as a nominee?

REP. SCOTT: Well, they're certainly buying into a liberal story line without any question, but I hope that what happens is whoever our nominee ends up being, that this process of choosing that nominee will actually help them be a tougher candidate, a tougher--give him a tougher opportunity now so that the ease--the road gets easier later.

MR. GREGORY: All right. When are you going to endorse? Have you made up your mind who you're going to support.

REP. SCOTT: That's a good question, you know. You know, we had a forum yesterday, David, where I had an opportunity to listen to five very strong candidates who all want to be president, and I will tell you, I walked away with a little more clarity. I'm going through the process of elimination. This is a very difficult choice because each candidate really represents something that I really like, I believe the country needs. But the question that Senator Graham was talking about is who equation of who matches my values...

MR. GREGORY: Mm-hmm.

REP. SCOTT: ...who can win, and that's the guy we'll support.

MR. GREGORY: Do you think, do you think anybody but Romney has a realistic shot at beating the president?

REP. SCOTT: I think we'll know the answer Saturday. If Romney wins South Carolina, I think the game's over. This is the last stand for many candidates. You'll see those candidates coalescing together really around one option. The option is getting Romney out of the way and taking this race to Florida with some momentum. +sookie tex

TEXT CREDIT: Meet the Press transcript for Jan. 15, 2012

VIDEO and IMAGE CREDIT: Meet The Press: SC is the ‘last stand

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