Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Mitt Romney Web Video "Broken Promises: Spending"

Mitt Romney Press | April 30, 2012 Location Boston, MA United States.  FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT

Today, Romney for President released a new web video describing President Obama’s failure to rein in spending and reduce the size of government, “Broken Promises: Spending.”

AD FACTS: Script For “Broken Promises: Spending”

VIDEO TEXT: “August 28, 2008”

VIDEO TEXT: “What Barack Obama Promised…”

SEN. BARACK OBAMA: “But I will also go through the federal budget line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less, because we cannot meet 21st century challenges with a 20th century bureaucracy.”

SEN. BARACK OBAMA: “But I will also go through the federal budget line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less, because we cannot meet 21st century challenges with a 20th century bureaucracy.” (Sen. Barack Obama, “Remarks,” Denver, CO 8/28/08)

VIDEO TEXT: “2009-2012”

VIDEO TEXT: “What President Obama Delivered.”

VIDEO TEXT: “‘Taxpayer Dollars Were Squandered’ After GSA Officials Spent Nearly $1 Million For A Lavish Conference For Only 300 Attendees.”

“Taxpayer Dollars Were Squandered” After GSA Officials Spent Nearly $1 Million For A Lavish Conference For Only 300 Attendees. “GSA Administrator Martha Johnson admitted in a letter of resignation that her agency had made a ‘significant misstep’ and that ‘taxpayer dollars were squandered.’ A GSA Inspector General's report on the 2010 GSA ‘Western Regions’ training conference in Las Vegas shows the government spent more than $822,000 for the 300 attendees…” (Lesa Jansen, “GSA Head Resigns Over 'Wasteful' Las Vegas Seminar,” CNN, 4/2/12)

VIDEO TEXT: “Obama’s Budget Projects That The Deficit For The Current Year Will Total $1.33 Trillion, The Fourth Straight Year Of Deficits Over $1 Trillion.”

“Obama's Budget Projects That The Deficit For The Current Year Will Total $1.33 Trillion, The Fourth Straight Year Of Deficits Over $1 Trillion.” (“Highlights Of Obama's $3.8 Trillion Budget,” The Associated Press, 2/13/12)

VIDEO TEXT: “Under President Obama, The Nation’s Total Public Debt Has Reached A Record $15.6 Trillion.”

Under President Obama, The Nation’s Total Public Debt Has Reached A Record $15.6 Trillion. (U.S. Department Of The Treasury, www.treasurydirect.gov, Accessed 4/26/12)

TEXT CREDIT: Romney for President

VIDEO CREDIT:: Published on Apr 30, 2012 by mittromney License: Standard YouTube License +sookie tex

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