Thursday, January 06, 2011

John Fleming introduced H.R. 38 to Rescind Funds for Health Care Implementation

John FlemingWashington, Jan 5 - Today, Representative John Fleming, M.D. introduced H.R. 38, legislation that would rescind $ 1 billion dollars from the Health Insurance Reform Implementation Fund originally appropriated to pay for federal administrative expenses to carry out ObamaCare.

“When ObamaCare passed last year, Democrats in Congress and the President raised all sorts of claims that it would lower insurance premiums, increase health care access and lower costs,” said Fleming.
“Contrary to these claims, as this law continues to be implemented, premiums have risen, health insurance options have declined, and Medicare and Medicaid are facing significant physician shortages. ObamaCare needs to be repealed, and we will have a vote on that next week.”

“If the President won’t sign the repeal, which I expect, then the next best thing is to defund this monstrosity. The American people sent a clear message in November that they want nothing to do with ObamaCare,” continued Fleming. “It’s time to stop implementation of this law and choke it off at the roots. H.R. 38 will do just that by defunding the money appropriated to implement ObamaCare and putting it back towards reducing the federal deficit. Passage of my bill will be a crucial first step toward restoring health care liberty for the American people.”


Contact: Jamie Hennigan 202.225.2777

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Congressman John Fleming Washington DC Office 416 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 P: (202) 225-2777 F: (202) 225-8039

Charles.Boustany Introduces 'Realize America's Maritime Promise Act'

Charles.BoustanyWashington, D.C.– U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Southwest Louisiana, yesterday introduced the Realize America’s Maritime Promise (RAMP) Act. This legislation will ensure that funds designated for dredging projects in America’s harbors and ports will be used solely for this purpose.

“Dredging federally maintained waters to their authorized levels is crucial for Louisiana and the American economy,”said Boustany. “For too long, Congress used the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to disguise the federal deficit, limiting the fund’s ability to address real problems along many of the waterways important to trade, commerce and jobs.
These waterways create thousands of jobs throughout the Gulf Coast region, but chronically underfunded dredging imperils those jobs and commerce each year.”

The Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund currently has a balance of approximately $5.1 billion, yet this funding is not being used to address the backlog of necessary maintenance dredging needed to sustain vital infrastructure. Failure to maintain these harbors and ports impacts regional and national commerce, reduces America’s economic competitiveness, and increases the risk of vessel groundings, collisions, and pollution incidents. “During this time of economic turmoil, we cannot afford to threaten these water highways that are so important to our nation’s commerce,” Boustany said.

The bill is cosponsored by 26 bipartisan, nationwide Members of Congress who understand the importance of adequately maintaining the nation’s ports and waterways.

Funds from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund are also used to rebuild wetlands by way of beneficial use of dredged material projects. Congressman Boustany has worked tirelessly in Congress to protect Louisiana’s coast and has been at the forefront of the fight to ensure that Louisiana harbors are adequately maintained. ###

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Congressman Charles Boustany Washington, DC Office 1431 Longworth House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515-1807 Phone: (202) 225-2031 Fax: (202) 225-5724