Wednesday, October 01, 2008

McCain Palin WEB Ad:Alaska's Political Circus VIDEO

ANCHORAGE, AK -- Today, at a Palin Truth Squad Press Conference in Alaska, the McCain-Palin campaign announced the release of its latest web ad, entitled "Alaska's Political Circus."
The ad chronicles the antics of Obama partisans that have transformed a previously nonpolitical inquiry into a political circus designed to undermine Governor Palin.

Transcript For "Alaska's Political Circus" (Web 1:20)

ANNCR: In Alaska. The circus has come to town.

When Gov. Sarah Palin dismissed Walter Monegan over insubordination regarding his budget, blogger conspiracy theories started to fly and an investigation ensued.

Meet Sen. Hollis French. An Obama supporter.

He moved the investigation deadline to the middle of the presidential campaign, saying it could lead to an October surprise.

Meet Sen. Kim Elton. An Obama donor who continues to ignore the calls of his own committee members to reconsider whether the investigation is legitimate.

And then there's Steve Branchflower. Appointed as a QUOTE independent investigator by Elton. Branchflower and French were recently exposed for colluding on the issuing of subpoenas.

So why are they even investigating Gov. Palin? Conspiracy theorists say it's because Monegan was dismissed because he wouldn't fire Trooper Michael Wooten.

Even after Wooten was cited for tasering his 10-year-old stepson.

Secrecy, collusion, and October surprises. It's nothing more than a three-ring circus emceed by Obama partisans.

AD FACTS: Script For "Alaska's Political Circus" (WEB 1:20)

ANNCR: In Alaska. The circus has come to town. When Gov. Sarah Palin dismissed Walter Monegan over insubordination regarding his budget, blogger conspiracy theories started to fly and an investigation ensued.

"Walt Monegan Lost His Job As Public Safety Director Because He Resisted Gov. Sarah Palin's Budget Policies And Showed 'Outright Insubordination,' Say Papers The Governor's Lawyer Filed Monday With The State Personnel Board." (Wesley Loy, "Palin Accuses Monegan Of Insubordination," Anchorage Daily News, 9/16/08)

"A Feud Within The Family Of Gov. Sarah Palin Spilled Into The Public Thursday With Accusations She Tried To Get A State Trooper Fired And She Then Fired The Trooper's Boss Because He Wouldn't Act On Her Request." (Megan Holland, "Palin Denies Accusation Over Firing Of Monegan," Anchorage Daily News, 7/18/08)

"The Wooten Accusation Came Initially On The Blog Of Former State Rep. Andrew Halcro, Who Ran Against Palin In The 2006 Gubernatorial Race And Who Has Been A Staunch Critic Of Her And Her Administration Since." (Megan Holland, "Palin Denies Accusation Over Firing Of Monegan," Anchorage Daily News, 7/18/08)

"State Legislators On Monday Voted To Spend Up To $100,000 To Investigate Gov. Sarah Palin's Controversial Firing Of Former State Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan." (Wesley Loy, "Hired Help Will Probe Monegan Dismissal," Anchorage Daily News, 7/29/08)

ANNCR: Meet Sen. Hollis French. An Obama supporter.

Sen. French Is Listed As An Obama Supporter On The Obama/Biden Website. (Obama/Biden Website,, Accessed 9/21/08)

ANNCR: He moved the investigation deadline to the middle of the presidential campaign, saying it could lead to an October surprise.

Originally, The Release Of Final Report Was October 31. "'If they had done their job they never would have picked her,' said French. 'Now they may have to deal with an October surprise,' he said, referring to the scheduled release Oct. 31 of the committee's final report." (Brian Ross And Len Tepper, "'October Surprise' Over Palin Investigation?" ABC News,, 9/2/08)

Sen. French Then Said The Report Would Be Issued On October 10th. CNN's Drew Griffin: "So Hollis French (ph) is the legislator, and he says he's going to release it on October 10, which means we're just about a month or so away from this being over with." (CNN's "Anderson Cooper," 9/5/08)

"Democratic Sen. Hollis French Was Accused Of Manipulating The Probe For Political Effect On National And State Elections." (Matt Volz, "French To Retain Oversight Of Palin Probe," The Associated Press, 9/9/08)

"'If They Had Done Their Job They Never Would Have Picked Her,' Said French. 'Now They May Have To Deal With An October Surprise,' He Said, Referring To The Scheduled Release Oct. 31 Of The Committee's Final Report." (Brian Ross And Len Tepper, "'October Surprise' Over Palin Investigation?" ABC News,, 9/2/08)

ANNCR: Meet Sen. Kim Elton. An Obama donor who continues to ignore the calls of his own committee members to reconsider whether the investigation is legitimate.

Elton Has Donated $2,000 To The Obama Campaign. (Center For Responsive Politics,, Accessed 9/21/08)

"On Monday, Alaska Democratic State Senator Kim Elton, Chairman Of The State Legislative Council, Rejected A Call By Republicans To Replace The Democrat Who Is Overseeing The Investigation." ("Palin's Husband Subpoenaed In 'Troopergate' Probe," Agence France Presse, 9/12/08)

"The Move Kept The Investigation Into Palin's July 11 Firing Of Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan On Track With A Final Report Due To Be Completed By October 10 -- Three Weeks Before The November 4 Election." ("Palin's Husband Subpoenaed In 'Troopergate' Probe," Agence France Presse, 9/12/08)

ANNCR: And then there's Steve Branchflower. Appointed as a QUOTE independent investigator by Elton. Branchflower and French were recently exposed for colluding on the issuing of subpoenas.

"On July 28, The State Legislative Council, A Bipartisan Panel Of Senators And Representatives, Approved Hiring An Independent Investigator To Look Into Monegan's Firing And Any Abuse Of Power. Retired Prosecutor Steve Branchflower Was Named Special Counsel." (Lisa Demer, "Monegan Case Clouds Governor's Bright Day," Anchorage Daily News, 8/30/08)

"Steve Branchflower, A Retired Prosecutor, Was Named Friday As Special Counsel To The Legislature To Investigate Gov. Sarah Palin's Firing Of Former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan." (Megan Holland, "Branchflower Will Investigate Monegan Case," Anchorage Daily News, 8/2/08)

"'Alaskans Are Calling For A Complete And Fair Investigation Into Why Walt Monegan Was Fired And If It Had Anything To Do With Trooper Mike Wooten,' Sen. Kim Elton, D-Juneau, Said In A Press Release." (Megan Holland, "Branchflower Will Investigate Monegan Case," Anchorage Daily News, 8/2/08)

Alaska Joint Judiciary Committee Hearing, 9/12/08,

ANNCR: So why are they even investigating Gov. Palin? Conspiracy theorists say it's because Monegan was dismissed because he wouldn't fire Trooper Michael Wooten.

"A Feud Within The Family Of Gov. Sarah Palin Spilled Into The Public Thursday With Accusations She Tried To Get A State Trooper Fired And She Then Fired The Trooper's Boss Because He Wouldn't Act On Her Request." (Megan Holland, "Palin Denies Accusation Over Firing Of Monegan," Anchorage Daily News, 7/18/08)

"The Wooten Accusation Came Initially On The Blog Of Former State Rep. Andrew Halcro, Who Ran Against Palin In The 2006 Gubernatorial Race And Who Has Been A Staunch Critic Of Her And Her Administration Since." (Megan Holland, "Palin Denies Accusation Over Firing Of Monegan," Anchorage Daily News, 7/18/08)

ANNCR: Even after Wooten was cited for tasering his 10-year-old stepson. Secrecy, collusion, and October surprises. It's nothing more than a three-ring circus emceed by Obama partisans.

"In 2006, State Investigators Found Wooten Guilty Of 'A Significant Pattern Of Judgment Failures,' Including Using A Taser On His 10-Year-Old Stepson And Drinking Beer While Operating A State Trooper Vehicle. Wooten Was Suspended For 10 Days As 'A Last Chance To Take Corrective Action.'" ("Trooper In Palin Probe Tells His Side," CNN,, 9/5/08) ###

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alaskans Are Calling For a Complete and Fair Investigation Into Why Walt Monegan Was Fired And If It Had Anything To Do With Trooper Mike Wooten.

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