Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Sean Duffy We can't continue with a $1.3 trillion annual deficit VIDEO

The consequences of government spending for bailouts, budget increases, bloated entitlements and ‘stimulus’ spending will be staggering and unsustainable debt that will act as a dead weight around the neck of our economy and our children's economic future.
Since the passage of the $787 billion stimulus bill, our economy has lost 4 million jobs and unemployment in the 7th Congressional District is well above 10%. The stimulus bill reflects Washington and Madison politicians’ faith in government and their belief that the way to grow our economy is to grow our government. I couldn't disagree more. America's small businesses have always been the real job creators. And the way to grow our economy is to unleash the potential of the private sector through tax cuts and the elimination of onerous regulations.

Sean Duffy

Policies like the recently passed government takeover of health care will not speed up the recovery, they will stifle it. Companies such as AT&T, Verizon, Caterpillar, and John Deere have already announced that in this fiscal year, tax changes will cost billions of dollars. To push through an ideologically-charged agenda at the expense of health care benefits for employees and retirees and increased costs for consumers will not create jobs. It will kill them.

Congress also refuses to give up on their cap-and-trade proposal, a plan that even the President concedes will increase electric and heating bills by another trillion dollars. Families in Wisconsin cannot afford this - especially during these challenging economic times.

While the damage done by Congress is significant, I firmly believe it’s not too late to turn things around. With your help, we can bring fiscal responsibility and common sense back to Washington, D.C. By easing the regulatory burden, while still protecting consumers and the environment, we can reduce the bureaucratic red tape that slows growth. By cutting taxes on families and small businesses, we can reduce their costs and help jumpstart our economy. And by getting government spending and deficits under control, we can pass on to our children and grandchildren an America that is as prosperous and free as the one our parents passed on to us.

TEXT CREDIT: Sean Duffy for Congress


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